Malaria Vaccine Protects Children For up to 18 months

Malaria Vaccine Protects Children For up to 18 months

Malaria has been one of the major killers in sub-Saharan African. Yearly, over 660,000 people die of malaria in the world. Fortunately, there is a new vaccination that might protect people against this harmful disease. An experimental trial for this vaccination has been conducted and has shown positive results in young children up to 18 months after vaccination. If this vaccination continues to have positive results, the vaccination will be issued as early as 2015.  This vaccination would prevent the parasite from leaving the liver and entering the bloodstream to infect the red blood cells within a person’s body.

This is very interesting because this could significantly decrease the amount of deaths per year for malaria. Up until today, there has not been a vaccination that has been created to prevent malaria because the majority of developed countries have only focused on diseases that affect the developed countries. Many developing countries have suffered because literacy levels are not very good in Africa. Even though there has been many prevention methods that have lowered the risk of getting malaria such as mosquito nets and malaria pills, people continue to die at high rates. In class, we learned about how depending on where people live, their race, and their status within society, can all affect how quickly a person can be treated. In Africa, literacy levels are very poor and many people do not understand how to prevent malaria. They do not have the financial means to maintain flourishing health. Hopefully, with the help and funds from the Melinda and Gates Foundation, along with other resources, this disease can hopefully be eliminated in the future.

2 thoughts on “Malaria Vaccine Protects Children For up to 18 months

  1. I hadn’t heard about the vaccine, but that’s great news. Please include a sentence or two about how this article relates to the class though in order to get credit.

  2. Did you edit this or was it like this all along? If it was the latter sorry because I obviously didn’t read the second paragraph carefully enough. I think I was grading a little too late at night, sorry, since you obviously deserve full credit for this post.

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